Category: Uncategorized

Side Effects and Qigong Fails

Traditional Qigong is a Chinese cultural treasure that has a proven record, over millennia (!) for health promotion, curing and preventing disease, resisting premature...

Correct Taijiquan Pt. 2 – Energy

Correct Taijiquan lies in the ability to differentiate between Yin (Empty/Light/ Soft) and Yang (Full or Solid/ Heavy/ Hard) within the body, and to...

Correct Taijiquan Pt. 1 – Posture

Taijiquan is both an art and a science. Precision postures and movement principles, deep theory and practical martial applications constitute the science. Individual human...

The Mind and Martial Arts Pt.2

The best defense against a surprise attack is ….. not to be surprised! Succinct and true. By remaining observant and mindful of our surroundings...

The Mind and Martial Arts Pt.1

It is widely considered within fight science circles that actual combat is more than seventy percent mental (attitude), and less than thirty percent physical...